Saturday, February 2, 2013

Social Media and Teachers ... Who Knew?

I follow a lot of great educators on Twitter. I have noticed that a few states like Iowa and Wisconsin are having their own scheduled Twitter chats. It seemed like a great way to share and learn about all of the issues and topics facing educators and students in Ohio. A couple weeks ago I tweeted a question about if anyone knew about Ohio having a state chat.

Before I knew it, a about 5 people were interested in participating and helping. A few volunteered to promote the chat to their followers. I even volunteered to moderate. What was I thinking? I have never done anything close to something like that. I was very nervous. Not nervous for myself, but for all of the participants. I wanted things to go well for everyone involved.

Well judging from all of the thank you tweets, I think it is safe to say that it went well.

Even my wife, a reluctant tweeter, joined in and learned a few things.

Who knew that teachers could be so into Social Media? I knew the Ohio teachers were out there, but they are way more into it than I ever thought. We even got some reporters from State Impact Ohio in on the fun.

A huge thanks goes out to #iaedchat and #wischat folks for inspiring this great adventure. As I said their ideas and discussions really helped us get this thing moving. More shout outs to Christina Hank, Molly Bloom and Michael Roush. Without their help, #ohedchat would still be an idea instead of a great tool for learning. This whole idea is about 2 weeks old, and I can't wait to see where #ohedchat can take us and what we can learn. If you haven't joined us yet, check us out on Mondays at 9PM. We can't wait to learn from you!


  1. Jeremy,
    Thanks for taking on this project and making #ohedchat come to life. I, too, had seen the twitter chats from other states and felt Ohio needed to just on board. I'm looking forward to the chats and hope that other Ohio educators see the need for us to connect and discuss the future of education in our state. Thanks again!

  2. Virtual *high five* Mr. Evans. Twitter and Pinterest are great ways to connect to other educators.
