But seriously, I actually liked a few aspects of the SLO process. A FEW not all. Here are a few of my random thoughts:
I was surprised at how east the SLO's seem to be to write. The template seems pretty straight forward.
I am not thrilled about spending time to write these rather than spending time on curriculum.
Easy is not a word I would use to describe the Tiered Growth Target portion.
I like that I would be reading and interpreting the data rather than another agency (ODE, Batelle).
I like that I would have control over the growth targets.
All of this leads me to a question for those of you reading this. Would you rather take the gamble on OAA's and OGT's, or go throught all the work to write your own growth targets? Would you rather be a teacher that is all value-added, or a teacher that has to write SLO's? I find this interesting. Please let me know your thoughts on this one.