I want to be honest with my #ohedchat community. I have failed you recently. We started this crazy thing a little over a year ago. I'm an amazed with the progress we have made. But I have made some mistakes.
Mistake 1. Selfishness - in my ambition to make this thing happen, I have selfishly thought that I could do it all. Make the surveys, moderate the chats, make schedules, and I couldn't.
Mistake 2. I refused help - somewhere along the line, multiple people probably offered to help me along the way and for some reason I said "Nope, I got it." I'm not sure why but again I thought I could do it all.
Mistake 3. I procrastinated - I waited to post the topic until late or asked a moderator to cover at the last minute.
Bottom line is that I don't want the chat to suffer because of my mistakes. We need to keep this going and continue the positive conversation. This started out as a grassroots movement and it needs to stay that way.
If you are interested in setting up a moderator rotation or helping out any other way, please let me know. Also let me know if you have any other suggestions to keep this thing going. I didn't start this community, and I don't want my mistakes to end it. Thanks.
This is why you're the perfect person for the job. What a great example of self-assessment, honest reflection, and a realization that great leaders lean on their networks. I'm always glad to help, but you've built a vibrant community in #ohedchat. It's wildly successful. Thank you so much for such an honest post. It's an example for us all.
ReplyDeleteThanks for seeing this post as it was meant; an honest reflection. It's not a pity party or a cry for help. Just an honest look at myself to make things better.