Wednesday, December 12, 2012

This is Why Students Students Should Use Google Apps

So at the beginning of the year my district decided to give our students Google accounts so that students could use Google Apps, specifically Google Drive. We started with the basic functions of documents and presentations. It wasn't much different than your typical word processing and powerpoint lesson. We then showed them how to share documents. I graded them and they could see the results instantly. I told them that the best was yet to come.

They have been studying the Solar System in Science. We let them choose any topic to research and make a presentation. They knew how to make presentations, but I showed them how to share them with their classmates. They thought that was pretty cool. THEN I showed them the chat feature. You would have thought I let I doled out extra recess. They went nuts. I was a little nervous that they would misuse it and just chat about everything but their projects, but they amazed me at the level of conversation. They were not only discussing the project, but how to make it better and complimenting each other along the way. Now, I went nuts.

As it turns out, I didn't have to give a big speech about not using the chat to talk about non-school related stuff. They just did it because they were caught up in how well it worked as a communication tool.

So the biggest reason why I think students should use this technology is communication. I told them that face-to-face communication is not always needed and we can learn how to adapt without it. They weren't silent while working on the projects, but the majority of their communication was through their writing. This is the kind of work that they will do and the way they will communicate later in their lives, and they are seeing the value of it at a very young age. In my technology class, my students aren't just learning about technology, they are also learning better communication skills and how to leverage available technology to accomplish tasks. So that is why I believe students need to use Google apps.






  1. Excellent reasons! Being able to share with a classmate and give feedback is a great feature of using google drive.

    1. Thanks for your comment Carla. I agree. My favorite feature is the sharing. The best part is, that it is the students' favorite part as well.
