Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Stop all this "Stop the Common Core" Stuff

I have had enough of this stuff already. We have people talking about conspiracy theories and brainwashing, now we have a bill in the Ohio House that is trying to stop the implementation of the Common Core standards. Really? After all the work that teachers and administrators in Ohio have put into unpacking, repacking, backpacking, talking about and now implementing the new standards. My school is teaching the Common Core Standards this year. Why? Why would we be aligning with the Common Core if we aren't responsible for them until next year?

Because it is good teaching that's why. The Common Core standards are going to make our students think deeper and analyze the material in ways that they never have before. Our old standards were too broad and didn't have the rigor of the new standards. That's what I care about.

I don't care that Tea Party people think that it is the federal government taking over our education system. I don't care that the public comment period was only two months long. I don't care. I care that our students (my own children included) are going to be challenged. They will be challenged and that will prepare them for college and their careers.

Some folks want to think that President Obama wants to brainwash students by requiring them to read more informational text. When was the last time that you had to read a novel for your job? When was the last time you had to give a book report including the character's thoughts and feelings? My guess is it was a long time ago. Not that literature isn't important, but if we want to prepare kids for the "real world," it just makes sense that we would require them to learn how to effectively read informational text. That is what they will read in the "real world".

Come on people, let's get real. If you want to do what is best for kids, then you will stop all this "Stop the Common Core" stuff. I'll let Mike Ditka take it from here...


  1. Jeremy, I an with you. I quit following the #commoncore because it was over run with negativity from the same few people.

  2. Forget the conspiracy theories. Follow the money. I can send you some links and you can do some research. Are the secondary standards actually good? Yes, they are. The ones for elementary are NOT though, plus they were written without teach input. Once you start following the money trail you will see...

  3. I commented on your original post on Jon's blog earlier. As I said anything can be discredited if you "Follow the Money". Profit is a part of our society. You can send some links if you want. I would be glad to read them.

  4. I have created a blog on the Common Core State Standards. I wanted to get information out to teachers, administrators, and the community about the changes that are happening in education. Please stop by if you have the time.


    Monica Galang

    1. Bad link! Oops.

  5. I've heard a little about the "new math" and I LOVE IT! I am awful at memorization for memory's sake. I have to know why, for what purpose, yeah.. I'm THAT kid. Because of this, I've developed a "math-phobia" where I'm pretty bad at all math just because I was told that I "had to memorize it just because." I am shakey at best at multiplication stuff. But this new math shows why, how things go together over and about "just because they do."

    Old math: 45+37=82 This would have given me a seizure because of all the odd numbers.
    New Math: How do you get to round numbers? 4+3=7, 5+7=12, add the 1 to 7 and you get 82. Simple! I can do that in my head and I'm becoming more confident and less mathphobic! I can't wait til my kids learn this so I can learn alongside them.

    Can't comment further... Hope this helps. and please be kind to my awful math skillz ;-)

  6. I couldn't agree more with your thoughts her. I basically taught myself how to add with this "logical sequence" method, although not as sophisticated. I also have a math phobia, hence the Language Arts teacher stuff.

    The "Common Core Math Problem" that is making the rounds on social media is what I think you are referencing here. Let me first say that there is no such thing as a "Common Core Math Problems". Common Core is a a set of standards, not a curriculum. Most of the stuff that you see out there is a textbook company's interpretation of the standards.

    Thanks for your comments. I love than my blog is read by someone outside of the teaching profession.

  7. Thanks for the correction. I'm only parroting what I've heard my neighbors (who are anti) say and repeat. Meanwhile, I'm learning math from their complaints! So I don't see what the problem is other than those who are sticks in the mud and don't like change.

    Thanks for blogging! It's a lost art. Happy to read something by someone I actually know in real time :-D
