September 24, 2013-Dover,OH- the evans edition was first on the scene at an apparent wordicide at Dover Middle School. The alleged incident happened in Mr. Jeremy Evans' classroom. According to reports from the scene, Mr. Evans claimed that the dictionaries that reside in his room, were effectively dead. Students were working on defining key terms for their novel that they are reading. Apparently instead of using the Meriam-Webster antiques, the students were instructed to use BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) and google the definition. Students were surprised that the teacher instructed them to ignore the dictionary, but were more than willing to whip out their ipods, tablets and smartphones.
Mr. Evans was available for comment. When asked about allegedly killing the dictionary, he had this to say. "I wouldn't call it murder. I didn't kill the dictionaries, I just told them to use BYOT. The dictionaries in my room were printed in 1963, that's means they are 18 years older than me. Why would I make them use antiques, when they have the latest and greatest technology in their backpacks?" Mr. Evans neither admitted nor denied the charges. He did add this "The internet is a powerful tool and we need to find ways to integrate it into our rooms whenever and wherever we can. Using google to define terms just makes sense to me. Call me a murderer, but I think it is just too powerful to not use. When was the last time you used a dictionary? I can't remember the last time I did. I do use the internet to define words all the time. Wordicide or not, it just makes sense." the evans edition will have more on this developing story as more details emerge.
I hope so.